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January 1, 2025
5 Min Read

Generating a $24m Pipeline of B2B Leads For Medical Technology

​Client sold a high ticket medical device with starting price $40,000 plus. They were struggling to find their ideal customer on Facebook ads as their target was strictly medical professionals that specific diagnostic testing equipment.


  1. The client provided us with a list of competitors and a seed list of ideal keywords.
  2. We used these keywords to create an ‘audience prompt’ which we copied into the custom models feature.
  3. This custom model was used to identify all user profiles actively searching for ‘diagnostic medical equipment’ in past 24 hour period.
  4. We then used the B2B2C feature to identify only those who were medical professionals.
  5. Audience was synced directly to an outbound B2B team.


  • First list of just 60,000 medical professionals produced over 600 quality leads (people willing to join a demo) which equated to over $24m in pipeline value.
  • The entire process took just 3 days.